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Trixie Tongue Tricks for Improved Speech

What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of tongue tricks? Is it just some fun stuff that involves amusing children or making your friends laugh using comedic tongue shapes and patterns? Well, tongue tricks are indeed a nice, sometimes better, alternative to cracking jokes to become a party charmer. But did you know these tricks can actually improve your articulation and enhance your control over speech?

You heard that right. Tongue tricks are an amazing workout to improve your speech. One particular classification of tongue tricks called Trixie’s Tongue Tricks is specifically added to many speech therapy programs. These tricks enhance coordination between the tongue, teeth, and lips, improving pronunciation and speech fluency.

In this blog post, we will dive a bit into how Trixie’s Tongue Tricks can improve your speech. The science behind this link is rather astonishing. So we suggest you read this article to the full length.

What are Trixie’s Tongue Tricks?

Tongue tricks, in general, are known as tongue gymnastics, mainly referring to various tongue patterns and movements. They are performed by folding, curling, flexing, or twisting the tongue in a mystifying, sometimes funny, way. These tricks date back to ancient times, as they have been historically used to entertain people in various cultures.

Trixie’s Tongue Tricks are a more contemporary approach to performing tongue tricks. While most of these tongue tricks use tweaked versions of classic patterns and movements, some involve pretty intriguing shapes and curls that haven’t been practiced until recently. Resultantly, Trixie’s Tongue Tricks add some extra challenge to conventional tongue tricks, making them more interesting and inscrutable.

The Use Of Trixie’s Tongue Tricks In Speech Therapy

Due to the challenging tongue patterns and movements involved, tongue tricks in general and Trixie’s Tongue Tricks in specific are considered effective components of speech therapy. These tricks work your tongue muscles and improve coordination between different areas of the tongue and oral cavity. The use of lips and teeth to aid tongue movements and formations not only helps you master these tricks but also improves your pronunciation of tricky words and phrases.

Tongue tricks do not just give your tongue and other areas of your oral cavity a good exercise; they also challenge and improve your cognitive abilities. In fact, the coordination we talked about is possible only when there is an adequate cognitive function in its support. For instance, when you curl and twist your tongue to make an intricate shape or pattern, it requires a level of mindfulness for perfect execution. Not only does this improve your tongue’s dexterity during tongue tricks and difficult pronunciations but also benefits your mental health.

Popular Trixie Tongue Tricks

Here are some popular and easy ways to perform Trixie tongue tricks.

The Tongue Twist

A tongue twist requires flexibility and coordination. To perform this trick, twist the tip of the flat tongue while keeping the back and middle of the tongue still. You can also stick the twisted tongue out through the gap between the upper and lower teeth. This trick is a great way to improve or demonstrate the versatility of your tongue’s movements.

The Tongue Roll

The tongue roll is one of many effective methods to improve speech. To perform this trick, place the tip of your tongue behind the upper front teeth and roll the sides of the tongue upward, creating a tube-like shape. Now, blow the air through this “tube” in such a way that the tip of your tongue vibrates.

The Cloverleaf

Using this trick, you can fold your tongue in a way that resembles the shape of a four-leaf clover. To perform this trick, roll the sides of your tongue upward to create two loops. And then, fold these loops inward. This will give your tongue the appearance of a cloverleaf. This trick requires flexibility and optimum practice.

The Tongue Wave

This Trixie tongue trick is quite straightforward to perform. To begin, put the tip of your tongue inside of the lower lip and then slowly move your tongue from side to side. This will create a rolling wave motion.

The Tongue Flip

This trick involves flipping the tongue 180 degrees. To perform this mesmerizing yet simple trick, all you have to do is curl your tongue upward and force it into the back of your mouth.

The Snake Tongue 

This trick allows you to move your tongue like a snake does. To perform this movement, get your tongue out of the mouth and curve its tip a little upward. Use alternate motions of the tip. This trick demonstrates your ability to perform intricate tongue movements.

How to Master Trixie Tongue Tricks

The following guidelines should help you learn and master your favorite Trixie tongue tricks.

The Step-By-Step Approach

  • Start with easy-to-perform tricks: You cannot expect to perform a complex tongue trick if you haven’t been practicing before. So, when you start, go with easy tricks and twisters that involve basic tongue movements.
  • Add challenge: Once you have achieved the required level of proficiency in a particular trick, move on to a more complex tongue shape. You may also practice tongue twisters to further improve your speech.
  • Keep your needs in mind: You do not need to perform all the tongue tricks that you see online. The best way is to identify tricks that address your particular speech problems.

Consistent Practicing

  • Start slow and be persistent: Whether you perform a tongue trick or say a twister, do it slowly and pay proper attention to the tongue movements and articulation. Your goal at this stage should be to achieve perfection instead of speed.
  • Build speed as you go: Work on the pace of your tongue movement and speech when you achieve the required proficiency in a particular tongue trick.
  • Repeat the movement: Practice the tongue trick regularly to make it a part of your muscle memory. The same goes for any tongue twister you are practicing.

Analysis and feedback

  • Visualize: You can practice your tongue tricks and twisters in front of the mirror. This will help you monitor your tongue movements, and you will get instant feedback required to make corrections. Tongue twisters can be performed in the same way, as this can help you visualize different tongue patterns and their resultant sounds.
  • Get help from a speech therapist: It is a good idea to consult a speech therapist for proper guidance on what tongue tricks to perform and how to perform them in order to improve your speech.


Hydration is beneficial for your oral health as well as the flexibility required for tongue tricks. Therefore, drink plenty of water to keep your tongue and oral cavity moist.

Benefits of Trixie Tongue Tricks

The benefits of Trixie’s tongue tricks include the following.

  • Improved flexibility: Tongue tricks engage your tongue muscles, allowing you to enhance your tongue’s flexibility. This assists in everyday tasks such as speaking and eating.
  • Better articulation: Trixie tongue tricks involve intricate tongue movements that can help you become more mindful of positioning your tongue during speech. This can enhance your ability to perform proper tongue placement for enhanced articulation.
  • Improved cognitive functions: Tongue tricks and twisters get your tongues tangled and your brain stumbling, giving your cognitive function a challenge to overcome. Not only does this help improve your mental capability for better articulation, but it also improves your cognitive abilities in general.
  • Oral health: Trixie tongue tricks are even helpful with your oral health. These tricks can assist with oral hygiene, as you will have a better ability to regulate toothpaste in the oral cavity.


Which one is the rarest Trixie tongue trick?

The cloverleaf is the rarest Trixie tongue trick due to the level of intricacy involved in performing it.

Are Trixie tongue tricks safe?

Yes, Trixie tongue tricks are generally safe to perform. However, be sure not to bite on your tongue when sticking it out.